
Worshipful Words from Lent

In this past Lent, I intentionally took time to write some special Call to Worship words that invited us to start our worship time in the same space - with a sense of how welcome we are and how much God loves us. Our theme for Lent was "come to the table", so I hope these invitations capture a bit of that divine hospitality. Feel free to use them in your church setting if you would like.

-- Rev. Nathan Hill

Come to the Table | Call to Worship Series

Week One:

One: Is it true that there is a table big enough,
grand enough
for those who have lost everything
for those who weep in despair
for those who seek answers
for those who long for healing?
Many: Yes, at the table of God, all find rest!
One:  Is it true that there is a table that opens doors,
that offers a way to reconciliation
that tears down walls
that refuses hatred and shame a final word?
Many: Yes, at the table of God, all find a second chance.
One: Then who is invited to this table?
Many: You are invited. We are invited.
Jesus invites us.
Come to the table of the Lord!

Week Two:

One: People of God,
give thanks and celebrate -
our path leads us to the table.
Many: Come to the table of the Lord!
One: You who are hurting and alone,
rejoice - God is with you -
our path leads us to the table.
Many: Come to the table of the Lord!
One: You who aren’t sure if you have the strength
to get through the day or stay on track -
Christ’s strength leads us to the table.
Many: Come to the table of the Lord!
One: You who face injustice and rejection,
told you do not belong -
The Spirit leads us to the table.
Many: Come to the table of the Lord!

Week Three:

One: Friends, our lives may be dry.
Our lives may not feel complete.
Our successes may seem few.
Many: Take heart - we worship a God who enables us to bear fruit.
One: Our hearts may be heavy.
Our grieving may last longer than we hoped.
Our prayers seem too numerous for the Holy One’s ears.
Many: Take heart - we worship a God who calls us by name to the table feast.
One: Our choices may have hurt others.
Our sins may have become a stumbling block.
Our souls hesitate to cry out for mercy.
Many: Take heart - we worship a God who offers us a second chance.
ALL: Let us worship this wonderful God together!

Week Four:

One: Though some may label you an outcast,
worthy of rejection and ignorance-
Many: God gathers us in!
One: Though some may think you
are too much of a mess for divine grace-
Many: God gathers us in!
One: Though some may believe
that you don’t belong at this table-
Many: God gathers us in!
One: Though some may think your past
or pain turn you into a burden-
Many: God gathers us in!
One: Hear the good news -
Many: God draws us to the table feast -
let’s celebrate and share God’s grace together!

Week Five:

One: Mighty God,
we worship You because even when things have been awful,
You have made something in our life awesome.
Many: Lord, You have done great things for us!
One: Merciful Savior,
we worship You because you invite us to the table
and nourish us with generosity and love.
Many: Lord, You have done great things for us!
One: Moving Spirit,
we listen for You because You send us out
to help others know Your love.
Many: Lord, You have done great things for us!

Palm Sunday:

Youth: Listen up! Make way!
One: Jesus is arriving, ready to bless those who hunger and thirst for hope!
Adults: Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!
Youth: Get ready! It’s almost time!
One: Jesus is showing up, setting the banquet table ready for an extravagant dinner!
Many: Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!
Youth: Join the parade! Wave and shout!
One: Jesus is making his entrance, bringing the change we have been waiting for!
Many: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!

Easter Sunday:

One: Beloved of God,
hear the good news this morning -
just when it seems love and mercy are no more -
Many: Jesus lives!
One: Just when it seems like injustice and death have won -
Many: Jesus lives!
One: Just when it seems like Creation is beyond repair -
Many: Jesus lives!
One: Just when it seems like there is no reason to gather at God’s table -
Many: Jesus lives!
One: The Lord has risen!
Many: The Lord has risen indeed!

(posted 4/16/19)

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