Our Response to COVID-19
To Our Church & Guests,
As the church at the intersection, University Christian Church's call is to love our neighbors and care for our own congregation as well as our community around us, especially those who are vulnerable. Because of this, we are working to abide by city, county, and state guidelines and directives to limit the spread of COVID-19.
This page is designed to share what we are doing and offer resources for you to gather information.
Online Worship
For all Sundays until further notice, we will be offering worship online. You are invited to gather with us for prayer, music, a message, and an invitation to the communion table - all from the comfort of your own home. Our streaming platforms are accessible on your computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
Join us live at 10:45 AM on Facebook or YouTube:
UCC on Facebook
UCC on YouTube
The videos are also streamed on this website's homepage, and an audio-only link is available as well. Additionally, we will publish an online Worship Bulletin for each service that you can print, download, or have open in a web browser to follow along in worship.
Since our church building will be closed for non-essential gatherings, you can connect with us virtually. Be sure to sign up for our email list to receive daily and weekly updates about how we are responding and caring for neighbors in need. We also will continue to offer ways to gather together for prayer and support.
Sign up for more info
Children & Youth Resources for Parents
Being at home during this time can be really challenging. We have put together some free online educational resources for parents and families.
Our Worship & Wonder children's ministry is a powerful time spent connecting with the stories of God. We are bringing this part of our children's ministry into our online worship time at 10:45am on Sundays. In addition, we will be sharing the stories on our social media platforms for your family to listen to and enjoy each week.
Our Youth Group is meeting online using our Zoom Conference room to play games, talk, and connect even as we stay home. Contact us for more information.
You can find other resources on Disciples Home Missions' Ministries Across Generations website.
Notre service logistique complet professionnel dans l'UE. Fournir une garantie logistique pour tous les horizons. Bien sûr, cela inclut également l'industrie de l'imitation horlogère-
Being generous in this difficult time is part of our faithful response, trusting that in God there is abundance. You may give online through our church giving platform. You may also mail checks to University Christian Church, 6800 Adelphi Rd, Hyattsville, MD 20782. Your prayers, texts, and calls also make a difference as we check in with each other, even when we cannot meet in person.
Do you have a need?
There are food pantries and distributions happening all over our county. This list contains a map to find the closest resource to you.
If you live in District 3 of Prince George's County, Councilwoman Dannielle Glaros has a specific form to access resources.
If you live in District 2 of Prince George's County, Councilwoman Deni Taveras maintains a weekly food resources list.
If you are in need of assistance or pastoral care, please call the church office at 301-864-1520. Leave a message, and a staff member will be in touch. You can also text Rev. Nathan at 301-887-3233.
How can you help?
Love in this time looks a little different. Love means listening to health professionals and experts, and thinking about how our actions can save lives. Here are some helpful guides to live by Christ's mission to care for the least of those in our communities:
Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Wear a mask.
Wipe down doorknobs and surfaces when possible.
Give one another at least six feet when out at the grocery store or other places.
Stay home as much as possible, especially if you are not feeling well.
Avoid larger crowds of more than 10 people.
Reach out to your doctor with questions and concerns.
Stay connected via phone, email, or text, especially with anyone you know who may be especially at risk.
If you hear of a need, let the church know so we can step in to provide support.
Our Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination has more resources for congregations and leaders in this time. Visit the Disciples and COVID-19 page on their website to learn more.
Getting Accurate Information
The CDC website contains the best information about the virus and how we can take care of ourselves.
The State of Maryland Coronavirus site provides important information and up-to-date means to read the latest guidelines.
Please check the Prince George's County website for other specific information about what is happening in our communities.