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Date: February 14, 2021
Preacher: Rev. Nathan Hill
Scripture: Mark 9:2-9
Video Link:

In preparation for Lent, Rev. Nathan invites us to wonder with the disciples about Jesus' transfiguration:

To his disciples, Jesus didn’t need to be transfigured - he had done remarkable acts of healing, teaching, and care in their presence. They had followed him all over Galilee on the way to Jerusalem, and finally, he drags Peter, James, and John to a mountaintop and there they witness an incredible sight. He changes. He transforms. His clothes shine and sparkle like diamonds. Suddenly, the heavens opened up around them, like the curtains between our world and the next drawn wide open. Elijah and Moses are in their midst, speaking to Jesus.

On a most basic level, this scene reminds us that Jesus was more than meets the eye - he was God and human.