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Date: March 7, 2021
Preacher: Rev. Nathan Hill
Scripture: Matthew 9:27-33

Our series on Holy Vessels continues as Rev. Nathan invites us to think about the stories that we can tell and how telling our stories can lead others to healing.

The good news of these healing stories is that these men are no longer confined to a story of sadness, sorrow, injustice, or exclusion. Now, they have a new story to tell - and they begin to tell it. And when they tell their stories, the word spreads, other people get curious and hungry, and begin to look with a different view on this world and on their lives.

If God can do it for them, maybe God can do it for me.

Throughout this Lent season, I have been inviting you to share testimonies about God has been good to you. I have not asked for fireworks. You don’t even have to make it sound like a sad country song where your dog got run over by a train. As far as I know, none of you have experienced the kind of healing we read in the Gospel stories. You may know someone who has. But you have had other experiences - you have experienced the abiding love of God. You have witnessed acts of compassion and care in the toughest moments of life. You have been given stories and experiences that leap out of your mouths and your lives and point to a Savior who loves us, walks with us, and even carries us when we are hurting.